The BANQUET will be held Saturday night as scheduled. The general membership meeting is being postponed to later date
Just wanted to let you know a few of the things that can be found under the tabs on our website to help you find things more easily and make you…
2025 KWHA Calendar
New this year for the KWHA will be a calendar auction, which is replacing the Blue Book. To ensure early distribution of the 2025 calendar, the deadline will be April…
KWHA Banquet Raffle/Auction
Activities during banquet:The 50/50 drawing will be held again this year. Tickets for the 50/50 drawing can be purchased from any BoardMember. We will be having our Basket Auction Saturday…
KWHA Banquet Reservations Info
KWHA A n n u a l Aw a r d s B a n qR e s e r v a t i o n I n f oIn…
KWHA Banquet
This year, the KWHA Annual Awards Banquet and General Membership will be held on one day, Saturday, January 11, 2025, at Embassy Suites, located off Newtown Pike in Lexington, Kentucky.…
Any member wanting to run for the KWHA Board of Director’s can contactTerry Logan Lunsford All names must be submitted by January 1st To be eligible to run for the…
The KWHA is looking for people interested promoting the horse industry by serving as a KWHA BoardMember. If you are interested in submitting your name as a candidate, please contact…
Gene Batten Obituary
The KWHA sends their deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Gene Batten. Complete obituary follows: Charles Eugene Batten Obituary Charles Eugene Leondus Batten, 82, of Winchester, KY, passed…
Marjorie Layne Grigson (Pope) Obituary
The KWHA sends their deepest sympathies to the Grigson Family. Please keep Dan Grigson and the entire family in your thought and prayers. Complete obituary follows: Marjorie Layne Pope Grigson,…