2020 KWHA Affiliated shows are being added to the website as we receive them. The show bills for the earlier shows have already been uploaded, and the remaining show bills…
Announcers, Organists, and Photographers
Tabs have been added for Announcers, Organists, and Photographers. These tabs can be found in the drop down box under Show Managers /HIO . If you would like to be added,…
Billy Watson obituary
The KWHA Extends their sympathy to the family and friends of long time trainer and farrier Billy Watson. Complete obituary follows: William “Billy” Watson Sep 1, 1958 – Feb 14,…
KWHA Bring A Friend
kwha-bring-a-friend 2020 Greetings KWHA Members, The 2020 show season is right around the corner, and your KWHA board is in preparation mode. KWHA is introducing a new Bring-A-Friend Incentive Program this…
2020 KWHA Blue Book Advertising
2020 KWHA Blue Book Contract (1)
Info for KWHA Horse Show Affiliations
If you have affiliated with KWHA in the past, we appreciate your support, and would appreciate your continued support and affiliation. If you are new to KWHA, we would love…
Updated Info
The website has been updated with 2020 high point classes and the updated bylaws. These can both be found under the Misc Info Tab. The KWHA Affiliation for shows and…
INFO for New KY HIO Judges/Apprentices
The KY HIO will hold a judges clinic February 2, 2020. This is for anyone NEW that wishes to get their KY HIO Judges License, and for ones that did…
James “Toot” King Obituary
It is with much sadness that we announce the passing of James “Toot” King. This was just brought to our attention that we missed posting his obituary. Our deepest sympathy…
FMI regarding the Ky HIO, visit their newly updated website at http://www.ky-hio.com