The following letter has been mailed. Affiliation forms and other information can be found under the show managers tab
Enclosed you will find the affiliation Application for the 2024 Kentucky Walking Horse Association (KWHA). Your affiliation allows your show to be:
Advertised in the KWHA Show Directory, also known as the Blue Book.
Advertised on our webpage and Facebook page.
Allows members of KWHA to earn points for showing at your show.
You, as the show manager, and your sponsoring organization are an especially important part of the success of the walking horse industry and the continued enjoyment of the owners and exhibitors. Last year we had 50 different high point categories for our members, that were awarded at our annual banquet. The list of proposed high point categories for 2024 are enclosed.
If you have affiliated with KWHA in the past, we appreciate your support, and would appreciate your continued support and affiliation. If you are new to KWHA, we would love to have you as a part of our shows and points system. Several years ago, KWHA implemented that a show could affiliate with us and any HIO of their choosing. This is the affiliation packet for KWHA and is NOT an HIO affiliation. The affiliation fee for KWHA for 2024 show season is $50.
We look forward to working with you, and for you, during the 2024 show season. Please complete the enclosed application by the April 1, 2024, deadline, for your show to be advertised in the Blue Book. If you affiliate your horse show after the publication deadline, your show will still be advertised on our website and on our Facebook page. KWHA members will still be eligible for high points from your show.
Horse show results need to be submitted within two (2) weeks of the date of your horse show. Results can be mailed to KWHA, P.O. 2125 Richmond, KY 40476; emailed to [email protected]. All show results must be submitted no later than November 1, 2024, for the points to be counted in our High Point
Program. Please include all class information, so that we can ensure that all participants’ points are accurately tabulated.
If you are not the manger for 2024, please forward this packet to the appropriate party, or let us know who we need to forward it to. Thank you and best wishes for a successful show season.
Megan Baker, President